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This module provides the VectorStoreFlowStep class which extends the BaseFlowStep class.

This class represents a flow step that uses its prompt to search for a vector store. Each instance of this class will be initialized with a specific vector store, embeddings model, prompt template, and other attributes.


Bases: BaseFlowStep

Represents a flowstep that uses a prompt to search for a vector store.

The VectorStoreFlowstep uses the prompt template and the inputs to create a prompt, then uses the embeddings model to embed the prompt, and finally uses the vector store to search for similar vectors.

If the append_top_k attribute is set to True, the top_k results will be appended in the final result


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the flow step.

vector_store VectorStore

The vector store instance to use.

embeddings_model BaseLLM

The embeddings model instance to use.

prompt_template PromptTemplate

Optional prompt template to be used with the required keys to create a search prompt.

output_key str

The dict key to use for the output.

top_k int

The number of top results to return. Defaults to 1.

append_top_k bool

Whether to append top_k results. Defaults to False.

callbacks Union[list[BaseCallback], None]

Callbacks to be invoked during while the flow is running.



Name Type Description
embeddings_model BaseLLM

The embeddings model instance to use.

prompt_template PromptTemplate

Optional prompt template to be used with the required keys to create a search prompt.

required_keys list[str]

A list of required keys.

vector_store VectorStore

The vector store instance to use.

top_k int

The number of top results to return.

append_top_k bool

Whether to append top_k results.

Source code in llmflows/flows/
class VectorStoreFlowStep(BaseFlowStep):
    Represents a flowstep that uses a prompt to search for a vector store.

    The VectorStoreFlowstep uses the prompt template and the inputs to create a prompt,
    then uses the embeddings model to embed the prompt, and finally uses the vector
    store to search for similar vectors.

    If the `append_top_k` attribute is set to True, the top_k results will be appended
    in the final result

        name (str): The name of the flow step.
        vector_store (VectorStore): The vector store instance to use.
        embeddings_model (BaseLLM): The embeddings model instance to use.
        prompt_template (PromptTemplate): Optional prompt template to be used with the 
            required keys to create a search prompt.
        output_key (str): The dict key to use for the output.
        top_k (int, optional): The number of top results to return. Defaults to 1.
        append_top_k (bool, optional): Whether to append top_k results. Defaults to
        callbacks (Union[list[BaseCallback], None]): Callbacks to be invoked during 
            while the flow is running.

        embeddings_model (BaseLLM): The embeddings model instance to use.
        prompt_template (PromptTemplate): Optional prompt template to be used with the 
            required keys to create a search prompt.
        required_keys (list[str]): A list of required keys.
        vector_store (VectorStore): The vector store instance to use.
        top_k (int): The number of top results to return.
        append_top_k (bool): Whether to append top_k results.

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        vector_store: VectorStore,
        embeddings_model: BaseLLM,
        prompt_template: PromptTemplate,
        output_key: str,
        top_k: int = 1,
        append_top_k: bool = False,
        callbacks: Union[list[BaseCallback], None] = None,
        super().__init__(name, output_key, callbacks)
        self.embeddings_model = embeddings_model
        self.prompt_template = prompt_template
        self.required_keys = prompt_template.variables
        self.vector_store = vector_store
        self.top_k = top_k
        self.append_top_k = append_top_k

    def generate(
        self, inputs: dict[str, Any]
    ) -> tuple[Any, Union[dict, None], Union[dict, None]]:
        question = VectorDoc(doc=self.prompt_template.get_prompt(**inputs))
        embedded_question = self.embeddings_model.generate(question)
        search_results, call_data, config =
            embedded_question, top_k=self.top_k

        result = search_results[0]["metadata"]["text"]

        if self.append_top_k:
            result = ""
            for i in range(self.top_k):
                result += search_results[i]["metadata"]["text"] + "\n"

        return result, call_data, config