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This module the FlowStep class, which can call a language model, record run times, and optionally invoke callbacks on the results.


Bases: BaseFlowStep

Represents a specific step in a Flow.

A FlowStep calls a language model using a prompt template, records the run time, and optionally invokes callback functions on the results.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the flow step.

llm BaseLLM

The language model to be used in the flow step.

prompt_template PromptTemplate

Template for the prompt to be used with the language model.

callbacks list[BaseCallback]

Callbacks to be invoked within the flowstep



Name Type Description
llm BaseLLM

The language model to be used in the flow step.

prompt_template PromptTemplate

Template for the prompt to be used with the language model.

required_keys set[str]

The keys required for the flow step to run.

Source code in llmflows/flows/
class FlowStep(BaseFlowStep):
    Represents a specific step in a Flow.

    A FlowStep calls a language model using a prompt template, records the run
    time, and optionally invokes callback functions on the results.

        name (str): The name of the flow step.
        llm (BaseLLM): The language model to be used in the flow step.
        prompt_template (PromptTemplate): Template for the prompt to be used with the 
            language model.
        callbacks (list[BaseCallback]): Callbacks to be invoked within the flowstep

        llm (BaseLLM): The language model to be used in the flow step.
        prompt_template (PromptTemplate): Template for the prompt to be used with the 
            language model.
        required_keys (set[str]): The keys required for the flow step to run.

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        llm: BaseLLM,
        prompt_template: PromptTemplate,
        output_key: str,
        callbacks:  Union[list[BaseCallback], None] = None,
        super().__init__(name, output_key, callbacks)
        self.llm = llm
        self.prompt_template = prompt_template
        self.required_keys = prompt_template.variables

    def generate(self, inputs: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[Any, Any, Any]:
        prompt = self.prompt_template.get_prompt(**inputs)
        text_result, call_data, model_config = self.llm.generate(prompt)
        call_data["prompt_template"] = self.prompt_template.prompt
        call_data["prompt"] = prompt

        return text_result, call_data, model_config