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This module contains the AsyncBaseFlowStep used as a base class by all async FlowStep classes. Each async flowstep can run a task, record run times, and optionally invoke callbacks on the results.

The async implementation allows async flowsteps to be run in parallel if multiple flowsteps have all the required inputs available.


Bases: ABC

Base class for async flowsteps in async flows.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the flow step.

output_key str

The dict key for the output of the flow step.

callbacks Union[list[AsyncBaseCallback]

Optional functions to be invoked with the results.



Name Type Description
name str

The name of the flow step.

output_key str

The dict key for the output of the flow step.

next_steps list[BaseFlowStep]

The subsequent steps this step connects to.

parents list[BaseFlowStep]

The preceding steps that connect to this step.

callbacks Union[list[AsyncBaseCallback]

Optional callbacks to be invoked with the results.

Source code in llmflows/flows/
class AsyncBaseFlowStep(ABC):
    Base class for async flowsteps in async flows.

        name (str): The name of the flow step.
        output_key (str): The dict key for the output of the flow step.
        callbacks (Union[list[AsyncBaseCallback]): Optional functions to be invoked with
            the results.

        name (str): The name of the flow step.
        output_key (str): The dict key for the output of the flow step.
        next_steps (list[BaseFlowStep]): The subsequent steps this step connects to.
        parents (list[BaseFlowStep]): The preceding steps that connect to this step.
        callbacks (Union[list[AsyncBaseCallback]): Optional callbacks to be invoked with
            the results.

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        output_key: str,
        callbacks: Union[list[AsyncBaseCallback], None],
    ): = name
        self.output_key = output_key
        self.next_steps: list[AsyncBaseFlowStep] = []
        self.parents: list[AsyncBaseFlowStep] = []
        self.callbacks = callbacks if callbacks else []

    def connect(self, *steps: "AsyncBaseFlowStep") -> None:
        Connects this flow step to one or more subsequent flow steps.

            *steps (AsyncBaseFlowStep): Flow steps to be connected to this step.

            ValueError: If connected flow steps have duplicate output keys.
        for step in steps:

    def _check_unique_keys(self, *steps: "AsyncBaseFlowStep") -> None:
        Ensures unique output keys among connected steps.

            *steps (AsyncBaseFlowStep): Flow steps to be connected to this step.

            ValueError: If connected flow steps have the same output key.
        output_keys = [step.output_key for step in steps]
        if len(output_keys) != len(set(output_keys)):
            raise ValueError("All connected flowsteps must have unique output keys.")

    async def generate(self, inputs: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[Any, Any, Any]:
        Executes the language model with the provided inputs and returns result,
        call data and model configuration.

            inputs (dict[str, Any]): The inputs to the flow step.

            tuple: result, call data and model configuration.

    async def run(
        self, inputs: dict[str, str], verbose: bool = False
    ) -> dict[str, str]:
        Runs the flow step with the provided inputs and returns a dictionary with
        runtime details.

        This includes the start and end times, the prompts and the input to the
        language model, the output from the language model, details about the model
        configuration and the result of the step. Callback functions can be run
        with the result as well.

            inputs (dict[str, str]): The inputs to the flow step.
            verbose (bool, optional): If true, the output of the step
                and callbacks are printed.

            dict[str, str]: A dictionary with various runtime details and results.
        execution_info = {}
        start_time =
        start_perf_time = time.perf_counter()
        execution_info["start_time"] = start_time
        execution_info["prompt_inputs"] = inputs

        for callback in self.callbacks:
            await callback.on_start(inputs)

        result, call_data, model_config = await self.generate(inputs)
        execution_info["llm_output"] = result
        execution_info["call_data"] = call_data
        execution_info["model_config"] = model_config

        for callback in self.callbacks:
            await callback.on_results(result)

        if verbose:

        end_time =
        end_perf_time = time.perf_counter()

        execution_info["end_time"] = end_time
        execution_info["execution_time"] = end_perf_time - start_perf_time
        execution_info["result"] = {self.output_key: result}

        for callback in self.callbacks:
            await callback.on_end(execution_info)

        return execution_info


Connects this flow step to one or more subsequent flow steps.


Name Type Description Default
*steps AsyncBaseFlowStep

Flow steps to be connected to this step.



Type Description

If connected flow steps have duplicate output keys.

Source code in llmflows/flows/
def connect(self, *steps: "AsyncBaseFlowStep") -> None:
    Connects this flow step to one or more subsequent flow steps.

        *steps (AsyncBaseFlowStep): Flow steps to be connected to this step.

        ValueError: If connected flow steps have duplicate output keys.
    for step in steps:

generate(inputs) abstractmethod async

Executes the language model with the provided inputs and returns result, call data and model configuration.


Name Type Description Default
inputs dict[str, Any]

The inputs to the flow step.



Name Type Description
tuple tuple[Any, Any, Any]

result, call data and model configuration.

Source code in llmflows/flows/
async def generate(self, inputs: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[Any, Any, Any]:
    Executes the language model with the provided inputs and returns result,
    call data and model configuration.

        inputs (dict[str, Any]): The inputs to the flow step.

        tuple: result, call data and model configuration.

run(inputs, verbose=False) async

Runs the flow step with the provided inputs and returns a dictionary with runtime details.

This includes the start and end times, the prompts and the input to the language model, the output from the language model, details about the model configuration and the result of the step. Callback functions can be run with the result as well.


Name Type Description Default
inputs dict[str, str]

The inputs to the flow step.

verbose bool

If true, the output of the step and callbacks are printed.



Type Description
dict[str, str]

dict[str, str]: A dictionary with various runtime details and results.

Source code in llmflows/flows/
async def run(
    self, inputs: dict[str, str], verbose: bool = False
) -> dict[str, str]:
    Runs the flow step with the provided inputs and returns a dictionary with
    runtime details.

    This includes the start and end times, the prompts and the input to the
    language model, the output from the language model, details about the model
    configuration and the result of the step. Callback functions can be run
    with the result as well.

        inputs (dict[str, str]): The inputs to the flow step.
        verbose (bool, optional): If true, the output of the step
            and callbacks are printed.

        dict[str, str]: A dictionary with various runtime details and results.
    execution_info = {}
    start_time =
    start_perf_time = time.perf_counter()
    execution_info["start_time"] = start_time
    execution_info["prompt_inputs"] = inputs

    for callback in self.callbacks:
        await callback.on_start(inputs)

    result, call_data, model_config = await self.generate(inputs)
    execution_info["llm_output"] = result
    execution_info["call_data"] = call_data
    execution_info["model_config"] = model_config

    for callback in self.callbacks:
        await callback.on_results(result)

    if verbose:

    end_time =
    end_perf_time = time.perf_counter()

    execution_info["end_time"] = end_time
    execution_info["execution_time"] = end_perf_time - start_perf_time
    execution_info["result"] = {self.output_key: result}

    for callback in self.callbacks:
        await callback.on_end(execution_info)

    return execution_info