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LLMFlow module for the FunctionalFlowstep class that can be used to run a given function within a flow.


Bases: BaseFlowStep

Represents a functional flow step that runs a function. The function must take a dictionary of strings as input and return a string(like regular flow steps)


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the flow step.

fn Callable

The function to run.

required_keys list[str]

A list of required keys.

output_key str

The key to use for the output.

callbacks list[Callback]

List of callback instances. Defaults to None.



Name Type Description
required_keys set[str]

The keys required for the flow step to run.

fn Callable[[dict[str, str]], str]

The function to be run.

Source code in llmflows/flows/
class FunctionalFlowStep(BaseFlowStep):
    Represents a functional flow step that runs a function. The function must take
        a dictionary of strings as input and return a string(like regular flow steps)

        name (str): The name of the flow step.
        fn (Callable): The function to run.
        required_keys (list[str]): A list of required keys.
        output_key (str): The key to use for the output.
        callbacks (list[Callback], optional): List of callback instances. Defaults to

        required_keys (set[str]): The keys required for the flow step to run.
        fn (Callable[[dict[str, str]], str]): The function to be run.

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        flowstep_fn: Callable[..., str],
        output_key: str,
        callbacks: Union[list[BaseCallback], None] = None,
        super().__init__(name, output_key, callbacks)
        self.flowstep_fn = flowstep_fn
        self.required_keys = inspect.getfullargspec(self.flowstep_fn).args

    def generate(
        self, inputs: dict[str, Any]
    ) -> tuple[Any, Union[dict, None], Union[dict, None]]:
        Executes the function with the provided inputs.

            inputs (dict[str, Any]): Input parameters as a dictionary.

            The result of the function call, followed by two None values (for call
                data and config, which are not applicable in this case).
        # Get the argument names of fn
        fn_args = inspect.getfullargspec(self.flowstep_fn).args

        # Create a new dictionary from inputs containing only the keys that fn requires
        filtered_inputs = {
            key: value for key, value in inputs.items() if key in fn_args

        result = self.flowstep_fn(**filtered_inputs)

        if not isinstance(result, str):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Return value must be of type str, but got {type(result).__name__}"

        return result, None, None


Executes the function with the provided inputs.


Name Type Description Default
inputs dict[str, Any]

Input parameters as a dictionary.



Type Description
tuple[Any, Union[dict, None], Union[dict, None]]

The result of the function call, followed by two None values (for call data and config, which are not applicable in this case).

Source code in llmflows/flows/
def generate(
    self, inputs: dict[str, Any]
) -> tuple[Any, Union[dict, None], Union[dict, None]]:
    Executes the function with the provided inputs.

        inputs (dict[str, Any]): Input parameters as a dictionary.

        The result of the function call, followed by two None values (for call
            data and config, which are not applicable in this case).
    # Get the argument names of fn
    fn_args = inspect.getfullargspec(self.flowstep_fn).args

    # Create a new dictionary from inputs containing only the keys that fn requires
    filtered_inputs = {
        key: value for key, value in inputs.items() if key in fn_args

    result = self.flowstep_fn(**filtered_inputs)

    if not isinstance(result, str):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Return value must be of type str, but got {type(result).__name__}"

    return result, None, None